Monthly Archives: January 2016

It is not very often that the snow is good for igloo building.  But in this current weather system it is perfect! The final result was the most sylish igloo ever!!

We have never been able to build a snow cave here.  The snow is just not very often “right” for making blocks.  But it was pretty awesome that while our friends were here, it was perfection.  With around-about 10 people it made the process pretty quick.  Some were making the blocks…..20160120-2120160120-31Some were placing them….20160120-3220160120-64Some were just having a lark…..20160120-70One was just having to watch because he broke his LEG! the first day skiing 🙁20160120-420160120-7120160120-10320160120-107Me?  Well I pretty much did nothing to help.  Except using my camera so we remember that this actually happened 🙂20160120-11420160120-11920160120-12520160120-12620160120-12720160120-135We made quick progress – it took about 3 1/2 hours to get to this point.20160120-150And soon after it was closed in!!20160120-179It was all rather exciting.  Got to snap a couple of pic’s inside the cave.
20160120-18420160120-18520160120-189Over the next couple of days the entrance got changed.  It was pretty grand!!20160121-26The 4 bigger girls spend a night out there even!!!20160123-21And it got decorated too!!!20160125Igloo-420160125Igloo-620160125Igloo-1020160125Igloo-2320160125Igloo-27

It survived the whole winter and finally disintegrated sometime in March.

Our friends have just come from Switzerland and are treating us to the real-deal swiss fondue.  Our husbands were very innovative in making little meths burners out of aluminium cans, and nails pounded into a piece of plywood to suspend the pot, and keep the cheese at optimum temperature.  So fun!!19

Our friends have come here via a 6 month stint in Switzerland, and they made us this traditional Swiss meal.  The Dad’s put together an improvised system to keep the cheese warm – big nails pounded into plywood to suspend the pot and cut down aluminum cans filled with meths. Perfection!20160119-1220160119-1520160119-1720160119-1820160119-1920160119-20

It’s a no school Monday (Our school system excels in days off!) so skiing with our friends from NZ it is!!18

We have some awesome friends from New Zealand visiting us.  We did life closely with them when we were living there, but you always wonder what it might be like when you haven’t seen each other for four years and it’s time to reconnect?

Well, it was great! What was I worried about?!  Our kids are the same ages and I realized how much I miss them and what they added to our life. I thoroughly enjoyed our conversations and the adventures we had together.  We parent similar so it was easy and wonderful 🙂

Onto the pictures!  We skied together a few times – our kids loved showing them around ‘our’ mountain.

We went to the provincial park to figure out if my idea of sliding and having a hotdog roast was going to work as an activity for when our NZ friends arrive in a couple of days. No go.  What a mission!  The snow was knee deep, and the slope I had in mind was no where near steep enough for sliding.  Oh well… we know.15

Our 4th child is 6!!!  We bought him playmobil for his gift and it was neat to see everyone play together with the one toy.